Biology Department Upgrades and Expansion
$3.8 Million

The Department of Biology is the largest department in the College of Arts and Sciences, serving approximately 2,000 students, 90 percent of whom are from New Mexico. Over the past 10 years, biology majors have increased 275 percent. The proposed upgrade to be funded by Bond D will accommodate the 10 percent enrollment growth anticipated through 2014.
Bond D funding will complete phase II upgrades in Castetter Hall that will renovate existing overcrowded and outdated labs, eliminate the need to store equipment in halls and eliminate the need for offices to serve as resource libraries. The funding will also complete renovations at the Sevilleta Research Station north of Socorro.
Biology generates UNM's highest annual research funding in grants per year, which in turn enables its internationally acclaimed programs to compete for grants and to recruit/retain faculty who excel in training students. These students go into fields that are vital to New Mexico's future, including the Sustainability Program and the Water Resources Program.