Ballot Language

General Obligation Bond B

The 2018 Capital Projects General Obligation Bond Act authorizes the issuance and sale of library acquisition bonds. Shall the state be authorized to issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed twelve million eight hundred seventy-six thousand dollars ($12,876,000) to make capital expenditures for academic, public school, tribal and public library resource acquisitions and provide for a general property tax imposition and levy for the payment of principal of, interest on and expenses incurred in connection with the issuance of the bonds and the collection of the tax as permitted by law?

For ____________   Against ____________

General Obligation Bond D

The 2018 Capital Projects General Obligation Bond Act authorizes the issuance and sale of higher education, special schools and tribal schools capital improvement and acquisition bonds. Shall the state be authorized to issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed one hundred thirty-six million two hundred thirty thousand dollars ($136,230,000) to make capital expenditures for certain higher education, special schools and tribal schools capital improvements and acquisitions and provide for a general property tax imposition and levy for the payment of principal of, interest on and expenses incurred in connection with the issuance of the bonds and the collection of the tax as permitted by law?

For ____________   Against ____________

What is a Bond?

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Important Dates

  • Early In-Person Absentee Voting: 
    Begins Tuesday, Oct. 8
  • Expanded Early Voting: 
    Saturday, Oct. 19 - Saturday, Nov. 2
  • Election Day:
    Tuesday, Nov. 5

Statewide GO Bond website
Library Bond