UNM Institutional Bonds

Currently, UNM consists of over 400 buildings housing 12 million square feet of space on over 1000 acres of land. The age of these buildings range from 125 years old to brand new, LEED certified and technologically advanced buildings.

Institutional bonds are a proven and accepted method of funding brick and mortar projects at public universities. Often times, bond funding is used as matching funds to state and private funds to enable fully funding projects. Some examples of recent bond-funded projects on the main campus include the newly constructed Centennial Engineering Center, George Pearl Hall, and renovations to the Communications and Journalism building and Mitchell Hall.

Image of Project Plan DocumentsSupport of this bond will enable the University to continue to offer students a high-quality degree, with facilities that mirror UNM’s commitment to research, teaching, community service, and patient care.

2016 General Obligation Bonds

What is a Bond?

and other FAQs

Important Dates

  • Early In-Person Absentee Voting: 
    Begins Tuesday, Oct. 8
  • Expanded Early Voting: 
    Saturday, Oct. 19 - Saturday, Nov. 2
  • Election Day:
    Tuesday, Nov. 5

Statewide GO Bond website
Library Bond