Chemistry Department (Reibsomer Hall) Renovations

Reibsomer HallOver the past few years, enrollment in UNM's Chemistry Department has grown more than 80 percent, which has contributed to the overall double digit enrollment increase in the College of Arts and Sciences. Chemistry is one of the "central sciences," which are the foundation for all branches of health, science and engineering. So the department also provides service courses for more than 5,000 additional students. In addition to Chemistry, Reibsomer Hall is used to train students in Engineering, Biology, Physics and Astronomy, Biochemistry and the pre-health professions.

UNM Chemistry supports economic development and partners with the national laboratories and the private business sector to provide well trained employees in industries vital to New Mexico's economic growth.

Built in 1969, Reibsomer's labs and classrooms cannot accommodate modern research instrumentation. The available space is fully used with no room for expansion. Researchers and students must navigate a warren of small rooms with inadequate cooling, power and computer data access. In desperate need for significant renovation for more than twenty years, Reibsomer does not currently meet state and federal safety standards for HVAC, air quality, power and environmental concerns. Funding from GO Bond C will alleviate major safety concerns and provide a greatly improved environment for New Mexico's future chemists.

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Important Dates

  • Early In-Person Absentee Voting: 
    Begins Tuesday, Oct. 8
  • Expanded Early Voting: 
    Saturday, Oct. 19 - Saturday, Nov. 2
  • Election Day:
    Tuesday, Nov. 5

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