Valencia Branch: Campus Fire Safety Improvements

Project DescriptionClass room on UNM Valencia Campus

The project will renew, replace, and upgrade fire suppression systems and alarms with associated fire suppression infrastructure upgrades in four UNM-Valencia Campus buildings.

UNM-Valencia's Business and Technology, Administration, Physical Plant and Student Center buildings are not currently fire code compliant lacking proper sprinklers and fixtures. 

The thoroughly scoped and developed project will install iron pipe and fixtures, sprinklers in the four buildings and attach the repaired and upgraded systems to the campus main underground water lines with additional upgrades to handle code required water volumes. Existing systems will be renovated and upgraded for proper operation and coverage and operation.

Controls necessary to link systems to the campus fire alarm notification systems will be installed and upgraded.


UNM-Valencia Campus Business and Technology, Administration, Physical Plant and Student Center buildings are not currently fire code compliant lacking proper sprinklers and fixtures. 

The building require updated fire suppression infrastructure, water supplies and alarm systems to meet current and safety and fire codes. Upgrades will correct the deficiencies and provide appropriate water flows and alarms in each building. The remaining campus buildings meet fire code, but are in need of renovation because of the age of the equipment.

Total requested amount: $1,500,000