Health Sciences Center

Health Sciences Center
Bond C allocates $12,000,000 to plan, design, construct and equip a health education building, including laboratories, classroom and study space at the Health Sciences Center at the University of New Mexico in Bernalillo County.
The HSC existing facilities are already at capacity, but an internal analysis done by Center shows there is a need to increase education programs by nearly 50 percent by 2018 to address the health care workforce shortage in New Mexico.
A report by the NM Legislative Finance Committee identified current workforce shortages of 3,000 RNs, 236 nurse practitioners; and 365 physicians.
Additional classroom space is needed because current School of Medicine classrooms are too small for the number of students. In Fiscal Year 2012 the College of Nursing turned away 143 qualified applicants because of insufficient space and resources.
This project will provide large flexible spaces for expanded class size and will support interdisciplinary and team-based small group teaching.