PAIS Building

Physics and Astronomy Interdisciplinary Science
(PAIS) building
The bond allocates $27,000,000 to plan, design, construct, equip, and furnish a Physics and Astronomy Interdisciplinary Science (PAIS) building on UNM’s Main Campus in Bernalillo County. The construction of a new PAIS building is the number one building priority at UNM. The new PAIS building will accommodate modern research labs and classrooms. It will provide modern facilities for Physics & Astronomy Department and enhance student achievement and retention in the STEM programs.
This new construction will replace the poorly performing, 60 year-old Physics & Astronomy building. The existing site and the building are unsuitable for high-end research. It is undersized and lacks state-of-the-art teaching facilities further compromising the teaching mission. Heating/cooling issues also impact the ability to conduct temperature-sensitive research, and the location of the building vibrations that impedes research involving lasers. Current research grants mandate updated facilities. The Physics and Astronomy department has lost major grants and renowned faculty because of the current condition of the building. The new facility will attract and retain talented faculty and students.
The proposed new PAIS facility will:
- enhance students’ achievement in STEM curriculum
- Provide students opportunities for involvement in research
- Support interdisciplinary research in nanoscience, optics, physics and earth sciences
- Modern research labs
- Attract more grant funding
- Graduate more STEM students
- Create scientific synergies between physical and biological sciences